Using conda

conda is the package manager provided by Anaconda.


conda is ready to use after installing Anaconda. You don’t have to configure it.

For customization or better perform, you can configure it by running commands like conda config ..., or you can directly edit the configuration file, which usually is ~/.condarc.

Anaconda’s builtin channel is default, which contains several thousands of pacakges. conda-forge is another channel maintained by community, which also contains several thousands of packages not included in the default channel. It’s fortunate that conda-forge is compatible with default. It’s a good idea to add conda-forge channel, so you have more packages available.

conda config –add channels conda-forge conda config –set channel_priority strict

Update via conda

# Update conda
conda update conda

# Update Anaconda
conda update anaconda

# List all installed modules
conda list

# Update all installed modules
conda update --all

Virtual Environment

# Create an virtual environment
conda create --name envname
conda create --name envname python=3.6 astroid babel

# Activate an environment
source activate snowflakes

# Deactivate/Exit an environment
source deactivate

# List all environments
conda info --envs

# Delete an environment
conda env remove --name xxxx